--- road.console.txt	2019-08-24 18:12:56.302672903 +0000
+++ OUTPUT/road.console.txt	2019-08-26 18:32:32.592257498 +0000
@@ -25,8 +25,7 @@
  # use a static source port just to prevent false positive on larval state port
 road #
  echo TRIGGER-OE | nc -s -p 42599 22
-Protocol mismatch.
+Ncat: Connection timed out.
 road #
  # wait on OE retransmits and rekeying
 road #
@@ -35,7 +34,7 @@
  # should show tunnel and no shunts, and non-zero traffic count
 road #
  ipsec whack --trafficstatus
-006 #2: "private-or-clear#"[1] ..., type=ESP, add_time=1234567890, inBytes=208, outBytes=243, id='ID_NULL'
+006 #2: "private-or-clear#"[1] ..., type=ESP, add_time=1234567890, inBytes=0, outBytes=0, id='ID_NULL'
 road #
  ipsec whack --shuntstatus
 000 Bare Shunt list: