/testing/guestbin/swan-prep east # cp policies/* /etc/ipsec.d/policies/ east # echo "" >> /etc/ipsec.d/policies/clear-or-private east # ipsec start Redirecting to: [initsystem] east # /testing/pluto/bin/wait-until-pluto-started east # ipsec auto --add road-east-ikev2 002 added connection description "road-east-ikev2" east # # give OE policies time to load east # sleep 5 east # echo "initdone" initdone east # ipsec whack --trafficstatus 006 #2: "road-east-ikev2", type=ESP, add_time=1234567890, inBytes=252, outBytes=252, id='@road' east # # this should show IKE and IPsec state for "road-east-ikev2" and not an OE group east # ipsec status | grep road-east | sed 's/"road-east-ikev2".*/"road-east-ikev2" --- cut ---/' | grep "#" 000 #1: "road-east-ikev2" --- cut --- 000 #2: "road-east-ikev2" --- cut --- 000 #2: "road-east-ikev2" --- cut --- east # east # ../bin/check-for-core.sh east # if [ -f /sbin/ausearch ]; then ausearch -r -m avc -ts recent ; fi