/testing/guestbin/swan-prep west # # confirm that the network is alive west # ../../pluto/bin/wait-until-alive -I destination -I is alive west # ipsec start Redirecting to: [initsystem] west # /testing/pluto/bin/wait-until-pluto-started west # ipsec auto --add westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major 002 added connection description "westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major" west # ipsec whack --impair delete-on-retransmit west # echo "initdone" initdone west # ipsec auto --up westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major 002 "westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major" #1: initiating v2 parent SA 1v2 "westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major" #1: initiate 1v2 "westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major" #1: STATE_PARENT_I1: sent v2I1, expected v2R1 002 "westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major" #1: IMPAIR: retransmit so deleting SA 002 "westnet-eastnet-ikev2-major" #1: deleting state (STATE_PARENT_I1) and NOT sending notification west # echo done done west # grep "INVALID_MAJOR_VERSION" /tmp/pluto.log >/dev/null && echo payload found payload found west # west # ../bin/check-for-core.sh west # if [ -f /sbin/ausearch ]; then ausearch -r -m avc -ts recent ; fi