/testing/guestbin/swan-prep east # ipsec start Redirecting to: [initsystem] east # /testing/pluto/bin/wait-until-pluto-started east # ipsec whack --impair suppress-retransmits east # ipsec auto --add westnet-eastnet-ipv4-psk-ikev2 002 added connection description "westnet-eastnet-ipv4-psk-ikev2" east # echo "initdone" initdone east # grep NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN /tmp/pluto.log "westnet-eastnet-ipv4-psk-ikev2" #1: IKE_AUTH responder matching remote ESP/AH proposals failed, responder SA processing returned STF_FAIL+v2N_NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN | ikev2_child_sa_respond returned STF_FAIL+v2N_NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN | ikev2_parent_inI2outR2_continue_tail returned STF_FAIL+v2N_NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN | #2 complete_v2_state_transition() md.from_state=PARENT_R1 md.svm.state[from]=PARENT_R1 UNDEFINED->V2_IPSEC_R with status STF_FAIL+v2N_NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN "westnet-eastnet-ipv4-psk-ikev2" #2: responding to IKE_AUTH message (ID 1) from with encrypted notification NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN | Notify Message Type: v2N_NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN (0xe) | state transition function for STATE_UNDEFINED failed: v2N_NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN east # ipsec whack --shutdown 002 shutting down east # grep leak /tmp/pluto.log leak-detective enabled leak detective found no leaks east # east # ../bin/check-for-core.sh east # if [ -f /sbin/ausearch ]; then ausearch -r -m avc -ts recent ; fi